Lab 4 Warmup

Linked lists

In the main part of the lab, you’re going to be using linked lists in a few places so we’re going to walk through writing a simple linked list data structure. A linked list consists of a sequence of nodes. A node is a very simple data structure that contains an element and a link to the next node in the sequence. (Later in the course, you’ll write more complicated nodes that contain multiple links.)

Make your lab professor draw one of these on the board!


In Eclipse, create a new Java Project called Warmup 4. Create a new class LinkedList with package warmup4.

We want to be able to use our LinkedList class to hold any given type of object, so change

public class LinkedList


public class LinkedList<E>

Inside our LinkedList class, create a new, private inner class called Node.

public class LinkedList<E> {
    private class Node {

Add two public instance variables E data and Node next inside the Node class. The instance variables are public so the methods of the LinkedList class can access them directly. That is, if node is a Node, then methods in the LinkedList class can access and Since Node is a private class, only LinkedList itself will have access to the class.

Note that LinkedList is parameratized by E but that Node is not. Node doesn’t need to be because it can use E from its outer class.

Add a public constructor public Node(E data, Node next) that sets the and fields to data and next.

The next field of the Node class is what forms the link in our linked list. This link is also called a pointer or a reference (but note that those words have specific meanings in other programming languages). We could create three nodes and chain them together like this:

Node thirdNode = new Node("third", null);
Node secondNode = new Node("second", thirdNode);
Node firstNode = new Node("first", secondNode);

Notice that

  • is secondNode;
  • and are thirdNode (this is true because is secondNode, so is literally the same thing as; and
  •,, and are null.

That null in is really important. That’s how we know it’s the last element in the list. We’ll shortly see how we can use the next fields to walk down the list, one element at a time using a loop. But first, we need to start working on our LinkedList class.

LinkedList basics

Start by adding a private Node head instance variable to the LinkedList class. For right now, our LinkedList is just going to contain a pointer to the first (also called the head) node in the list. The rest of the list will be accessed via the head’s next field.

Create a public LinkedList() constructor that sets this.head to null. Just as we use null for a Node’s next to indicate that there are no more nodes in the list, we use null for head to indicate that our list contains no elements at all.

Speaking of a list having no elements, go ahead and write a method

public boolean isEmpty() {
    // Code here

that returns true if the list contains no elements.

Let’s check that when we create a new list, we get an empty list. Normally, we’d use a JUnit test for this and when you write your queue implementation, you’ll definitely want to write such a test. For now, make a main() method that tests that we can construct an empty list. Something like this.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();

Run your code. It should print true.

Now it’s time to add and remove some elements to our list. Let’s start by writing a method public void addFirst(E element) that inserts element at the beginning of the list. This is the simplest method. We want to create a new node whose data is element and whose next is this.head. Then, we want to set this.head to that node. Notice that one of two things will happen. If the list is empty, then this.head is null so this.head will be set to a Node whose next is null. Otherwise, the list is nonempty and this.head points to the first node in the list. By creating a new Node whose next is the current this.head and setting this.head to it, what was the first node in the list is now the second.

Modify your main() method to add a few strings to list using list.addFirst(). Now, isEmpty() had better return false.

Walking through a linked list

So far, we can add nodes contaning elements to the beginning of our list. Let’s add a private method printList() that will walk through all of the elements and print them out.

How can we do that? We know that we can use to get the data of the first node in the list and to get the data of the second node in the list and to get the data of the third node in the list and so on. But (a) this is terrible; and (b) we’d need to know how many elements were in the list to be able to print it out!

Instead, we can use a loop Here’s an example using a while loop.

Node node = this.head;
while (node != null) {
    node =;

What’s happening here is that node is initially set to the first element of the list (or null if the list is empty). Then, at the end of each iteration of the loop, node is set to the next node in the list. See how we used null to recognize that we’ve reached the end of the list?

We can actually do the same thing slightly more concisely using a for loop!

for (Node node = this.head; node != null; node = {

Which one you use is often a matter of preference.

Using a loop, implement the printList() method, but have it print out an index to go with each element. E.g., something like

0: red
1: blue
2: yellow

where red, blue, and yellow were the items added to the list.

Add a call list.printList() to the main method and see what it prints out. Did it match your expectations?

Removing from the front of the list

Now that we can add to the list, it’s time to remove from it as well. Write a method public E removeFirst() that removes the first node of the list and returns its data.

There are two cases we need to handle. First, if the list is empty (which we can check with this.isEmpty()), then there’s nothing we can return. Instead, throw a new NoSuchElementException. You’ll need to import it first using

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

below the package warmup4; line.

Otherwise, the list is nonempty. The data we want to return is in and we’ll need to set this.head to You’ll need to put in a variable before you modify this.head.

Draw out on a piece of paper why this works for the case where the list contains one element and the case where the list contains multiple elements.

In main(), add a loop to remove elements from the list and print them out one at a time until the list is empty. You’ll probably want something like while (!list.isEmpty()).

Adding to and removing from the end of the list

Adding elements to and removing elements from the beginning of the list was pretty easy. We only needed to deal with a single Node.

In contrast, adding to and removing from the end of the list as we have currently set it up is more tricky.

Implement public void addLast(E element). There are two cases. If the list is empty, then add the element to the beginning of the list and return. (In fact, you can just call this.addFirst(element)!) Otherwise, you’ll need to walk down the list, starting from this.head until you reach the null which indicates you’ve found the last node of the list and set = new Node(element, null);.

To walk down the list, it’s very similar to what you did to print out the list, except this time you want to stop when is null rather than when node itself is null. You’ll probably want a while loop for this. So start with Node node = this.head; and loop while != null. And after the loop, you can set as described above.

In main, try adding some elements to the beginning and end of the list and print out the results. E.g.,


should print

0: Linked
1: lists
2: are
3: neat!

Now comes the hardest part: removing the last element. To remove the last element, we’ll need to handle several cases.

  1. If the list is empty, throw a new NoSuchElementException.
  2. If the list has only a single node (i.e., if is null), return this.removeFirst(). (You already wrote that code after all, no need to duplicate it.)
  3. If the list has more than one node, then you’ll need to walk down the list, starting from this.head until you get to the second to last node in the list, remove the last node by setting the second to last node’s next to null, and then returning the data from the node you removed.

It’s that last step that can be tricky. Since we checked if the list was empty or only had a single element and handled those cases, we can assume that is not null. (Why is that true? What would it mean if it were null?) So now we can find the second to last node via

Node node = this.head;
while ( != null) {
    node =;

After this, the data we want to return is in and we need to set to null.

Implement public E removeLast() using the algorithm described above.

Make changes to your main() method to test out your new method. Make sure that after removing the last element, list.isEmpty() returns true.

Fast vs. slow

Take a look at your addFirst(), removeFirst(), addLast(), and removeLast() methods. Notice that addLast() and removeLast() require looping over the whole list whereas addFirst() and removeFirst() do not? Think about what that means if our list contains 1 node, 100 nodes, or 10000 nodes. Adding to or removing from the front of the list takes the same time regardless of how much data is in the list. In contrast, adding/removing the last node takes roughly 100 times more work for 100 nodes than 1 node and another 100 times more work for 10000 nodes than for 100 nodes.

That’s not great, but we can do better! We can maintain a pointer (a link) to the last, or tail, node in the list. Let’s go through the “easy” changes first.

  • Add a new private Node tail to the LinkedList class.
  • Update the constructor to set tail to null.
  • Add to the end of addFirst() an if statement to check if this.tail is null. If it is (which will happen when this is the first node we are adding to the list), set this.tail to this.head. I.e., this.head and this.tail should point to the same node when there is only one node in the list. Ask the lab professor to draw out what this looks like!
  • Just before the return in removeFirst(), check if this.head is null and if it is (which will happen when we remove the last node in the list), set this.tail to null.

In each of those changes, we updated the method to maintain the invariant (a property that is always true) that this.tail is null if and only if this.head is null. I.e., either both are null which happens when we have an empty list or neither are null.

Now, we can simplify addLast(). Currently, the method should check if the list is empty and if so, just call addFirst() and return. Otherwise, it loops through until it can find the last node in the list. Well now, we don’t need to do any looping! We already know what the last node in the list is. It’s this.tail.

Remove the loop and in its place, set to new Node(element, null) and then this.tail to

We’ve made all of our methods (except for isEmpty()) a little more complicated, but in return, we were able to change addLast() so that it doesn’t have to loop through the whole list. That’s a pretty good tradeoff.

Finally, removeLast(). Can we do something similar here? Unfortunately, no. For addLast(), we needed to update the current last node in the list’s next. In order to remove the last node, we’d need to update the second to last node’s next. So could we maintain last node and second-to-last node pointers in our list? Again, no. We’d need to know the third to last node in the list. You can see how this simply cannot work. We would need a way to get from a node to the previous node in the list. We could do that, but we’d need to maintain two links. You’ll do that next week!

Fortunately, as long as we call removeFirst() if the list only has a single node, we don’t need to make any changes to removeLast(), other than updating the tail pointer.

Test your code out again. It should all be working still.

Implementing stacks and queues

At this point, we have fast methods for inserting elements at the beginning and end of our linked list and we have a fast method for removing elements from the beginning of our linked list and we have a slow method for removing elements at the end of the linked list.

If we only ever add elements to the beginning of our list and remove them from the beginning of the list, which abstract data type have we just implemented? Give it a shot:

LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();

while (!list.isEmpty()) {

If we only ever add elements to the end of our list and remove them from the beginning of the list, which abstract data type have we just implemented? Give this a shot.

LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();

while (!list.isEmpty()) {

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