Lab 4 – Stacks and Queues: Simply A-Maze-ing!

Part 1 – Stacks and Queues

We’ve been talking about stacks and queues in class, and now it is your time to put that theory to good use. Write two classes MyStack<T> and MyQueue<T> that implement the supplied interfaces StackADT and QueueADT, respectively. These are not the default Java StackADT and QueueADT classes, so make sure you are using the provided interfaces and not the default Java ones.

An implementation of the provided StackADT interface that is capable of storing an arbitrarily large amount of data. Use an ArrayList for storage. You do not need to user your implementation from the prior homework, you should just use the default Java one.
An implementation of the provided QueueADT interface that is capable of storing an arbitrarily large amount of data. You will implement the QueueADT as a linked structure, as described in the warmup.

Before continuing, you should add JUnit tests for MyStack and MyQueue that perform testing on your data structures. Call these MyStackTest and MyQueueTest.

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