Lab 4 – Stacks and Queues: Simply A-Maze-ing!

Part 2 – Solving the Maze

Now that you have a maze and working stack and queue data structures, we can use them to solve mazes! You’ll next be implementing the application portion of this lab, writing up MazeSolver classes which will bundle up the functionality of determining if a given maze has a valid solution. That is, whether you can get from the start to the finish without jumping over any walls.

Our maze solving algorithm goes something like this: begin at the start location, and trace along all possible paths to (eventually) visit every reachable square. If at some point you visit the finish Square, it was reachable. If you run out of squares to check, it isn’t reachable.

Boiling this down into pseudocode, we have the following:

At the start

  1. Create an (empty) worklist (stack/queue) of locations to explore.
  2. Add the start location to it.

Each step thereafter

  1. Is the worklist empty? If so, the exit is unreachable; terminate the algorithm.
  2. Otherwise, grab the “next” location to explore from the worklist.
  3. Does the location correspond to the exit square? If so, the finish was reachable; terminate the algorithm and output the path you found.
  4. Otherwise, it is a reachable non-finish location that we haven’t explored yet. So, explore it as follows:
    • Add every neighboring square that is not a wall to the worklist for later exploration provided they have not previously been added to the worklist

Note that this pseudocode does not depend on what kind of worklist you use (namely, a stack or a queue). You’ll need to pick one when you create the worklist, but subsequently everything should work abstractly in terms of the worklist operations.

The MazeSolver abstract class

Thus, you will create an abstract class MazeSolver that will implement the above algorithm, with a general worklist. Its abstract methods will be implemented differently depending on whether the worklist is a stack or a queue. The MazeSolver class should have a non-public instance variable of type Maze, and should have the following methods.

MazeSolver(Maze maze)
Create a (non-abstract) constructor that takes a Maze as a parameter and stores it in a variable that the children classes can access. The MazeSolver constructor should take as a parameter the Maze to be solved, and should perform the two initialization steps of creating an empty worklist (using the makeEmpty() abstract method) and adding the maze’s start location to it (using the add() abstract method).
abstract void makeEmpty()
Create an empty worklist.
abstract boolean isEmpty()
Return true if the worklist is empty.
abstract void add(Square sq)
Add the given Square to the worklist.
abstract Square next()
Return the next item from the worklist.
boolean isFinished()
A non-abstract method that the application program can use to see if this algorithm has solved this maze. That is, has it determined the path to the exit or if there is no path.

This method will return true if either

  • a path from the start to the exit has been found; or
  • you determine there is no such path (worklist is now empty).
boolean pathFound()
Returns true if there exists a path from the start to the exit, and false otherwise.
void step()
Perform one iteration of the algorithm above (i.e., steps 1 through 4). Note that this is not an abstract method, that is, you should implement this method in the MazeSolver class by calling the abstract methods listed above.

In order to keep track of which squares have previously been added to the worklist, you will “mark” each square that you place in the worklist. Then, before you add a square to the worklist, you should first check that it is not marked (and if it is, refrain from adding it). You will use the mark() and isMarked() functions in Square to do this.

Have each Square keep track of which Square added it to the worklist (i.e., “Which Square was being explored when this Square was added to the worklist?”). Use the setPrevious() method in Square to do this. Note that this means that each Square is a node in a singly-linked list of Squares, with previous pointing to the next node in the list.

The MazeApp will repeatedly call step() until isFinished() returns true, so make sure you correctly set the MazeSolver’s finished and pathFound booleans in your step() function; otherwise, the MazeApp will not work correctly.

ArrayList<Square> getPath()
Returns an ArrayList consisting of each Square on the path.

In order to create the path for getPath(), you will need to keep track of the path that was followed in your algorithm. This seems to be a difficult proposition; however, you’ve already done most of the work when you marked your worklist nodes using the previous variable. Let me explain.

In order to keep from wandering in a circle, you should avoid exploring the same location twice. You only ever explore locations that are placed on your worklist, so you can guarantee that each location is explored at most once by making sure that each location goes on the worklist at most once. You’ve already accomplished this by “marking” each square that you place in the worklist and only adding unmarked squares to the list.

You are keeping track of the solution path that includes a given square by putting an arrow (the previous variable) in it that points back to the square from which you added it to the worklist. Now, when you are at the exit, you can just follow the arrows back to the start. Of course, following the arrows gives you the path in reverse orders; you will need to reverse them when you add them to the ArrayList.

The MazeSolverStack and MazeSolverQueue classes

Now we just need to actually create two different implementations of the MazeSolver class. Create two new classes MazeSolverStack and MazeSolverQueue that extend the MazeSolver class.

Each class should contain as an instance variable a worklist of the appropriate type (so, MazeSolverStack should have an instance member of type MyStack<Square> and MazeSolverQueue should have one of type MyQueue<Square>).

These are not be abstract classes, and so you must implement the MazeSolver’s abstract methods. All you have to do to implement the abstract methods is perform the appropriate operations on the stack or queue instance member. For example, the MazeSolverStack’s add() method may look like this.

public void add(Square sq) {

Don’t forget to include a call to super(maze) as the first line of your constructor.

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