CSCI 241 - Homework 0

Due by 11:59.59pm Friday, September 09 or ASAP for late enrollees

Part 1

Read through the course syllabus. We should have gone over most of this in class, but I want you to be sure that you’ve all seen it. Make a note of any questions about this that you have and submit them with part 2 or bring them up in class or at office hours.

Now that you have read the syllabus, you are responsible for the contents therein. This is where assignments will be posted and readings made. I’m not a big fan of BlackBoard, but I’ll try to keep your grades posted there. Let me know ASAP if either service becomes unavailable.


For discussions, we will be using Piazza. The signup link is in Blackboard.

We will use Slack exclusively for communication, both during class and other times. You should also use it for communication with your groups when working on your project, but I will not be enforcing that. During class times, Zoom chat is not preserved. If you have questions, please post them on Slack and I will be monitoring it during the discussion.

Post an introduction to yourself in the #introductions channel. Include who you are, why you are taking the class, a picture of yourself, and something interesting that makes you different from other people.


We will also be using Github for some of the assignments. Please create an account on this site using your email if you haven’t already done so. Please name the account something that will lead me back to you, it is really frustrating to tie a funny name to a person. You will also, hopefully, use the account in the future to share some of your code with prospective employers. A funny name now may not be funny in 3 years… If you have a prior account, you do not need to create a new one. If you are creating one, please use some permutation of your name.

Part 2

For this part, I want you to fill out the following form:

Then, send me an email to my account. Be sure to include cs241 (or csci241) in the subject. This will make it stand out in my email, and should help prevent it from being considered spam. Include the following:

That’s it! See you in class!